For a good communication
Dr Sima Chakrabarti (Principal)
Attention is to pay.
A lovely lively early morning
Is the time to pray
To get rid of leisure
Welcoming each sunray
For energy as light
As much as one may.
It is a great pleasure
For anyone to play
With innocent children
Of own like soft clay
Building up nation
On the brightest bay
Of the knowledge ocean
In a blissful way
The young generation
Day by day
To make a beautiful Earth
Where from heart to say
“Let’s work together,
Love each other, Hey!
We have success so far,
We have fun, we are gay.”
The undergraduate study is the foundation of higher academic career. Here the teachers are ready to discuss with the students on academic matter during classes and outside. We expect the central library and the seminar library of each department to be utilized as much as possible. Other than the text books and reference books related to syllabus, the library has been made enriched with books and journals on various areas of Literature, Science, Commerce, and Economic and Social applications, and on technological progress of the world. The library and office staff are always ready to help the students in every possible way. Students are welcome to meet them with their requirements/ problems. Most of the technics with modern technology have been arranged for a better and easier use of the library. We are trying our best to provide accessories enhancing accessibility of books and journals.
A complete human being with social responsibilities is grown up under counselling by the parents, teachers and books and above all by self-study with nature. Education being the key to empower one in self-study, it is our duty to train the college children to look at circumstances rationally, take decisions independently, to distinguish between good and bad and to have moral support to everything positive for the welfare of the society, the country and the world.
Depending on practical need, with emphasis on economic independence of the girl students, after regular academic degrees, we have arranged for a well-equipped computer centre with efficient trainers for various diploma and certificate courses in computer helpful to secure good jobs. We are also conducting Basic and Advanced computer courses in collaboration with Webel Technology Limited and Urdent Computec Private Limited. Also we are conducting Communicative English classes by reputed teachers from British Institute. As another avenue towards job prospects, we are running a certificate course on “Pre Primary Teachers Training” for boys and girls both. It is high time to become conscious about the starting of education in nursery level. Keeping that in mind the college is playing its part as a study centre for this course. The Career Development and Placement Cell (CDPC) is very active throughout the year helping students to build a good career for professional engagement. The cell arranges for campus interviews/ Job Fairs in collaboration with reputed companies involving other colleges for the benefit of their students.
Any education cannot be applied in life without a good health. Our students have provision for utilizing a gymnasium with modern equipments and a qualified trainer for all students to avail this facility. For all our students we have also arranged for training and practising Yoga under supervision of two trained Yoga teachers. As discipline is the key to success in every field of work we are running a unit of NCC which takes active role in various programmes of the Govt. of India. Our college has got the pride of having an ANO for NCC after Ms. Shukla Sarkar, Associate Professor in History could complete the training for being a Lieutenant. Now she has Completed the training for being a Captain. We are also running an exclusive training program on self-defence by a group of trained NCC students (present and passed out) for the rest of our students. Our students are praised during performance on self-defence in other colleges too.
For a direct contact with the society, backward people to aware about education, about cleanliness against various diseases and about nutrition, our college plays an important role through students by seminars, camps including all students. A group of students take active part in programmes under National Service Scheme (NSS). A man or woman cannot make the environment full of pleasure, cannot spread fragrances to life without having sense of culture. The college gives a platform to express talents and inner feelings sleeping to rise up through cultural programmes, intra-college and inter-college competitions arranged time to time and also by their writings in college magazine and departmental journals.
Our institution is like a family. Students, teachers & all other staff are members of that big family. Unity is always the strength, let us unite together to perform something which will put our footprint in the history of mankind. Maharani Kasiswari College arranges for various cultural & social programmes throughout the year as platforms for exposing qualities within students who are talented and sincere performers. The students should come forward to take part in various programmes, various competitions and sports in College & University levels, District and National levels, in art and craft and music. The new comers are welcome to all activities in such a big organization. Any suggestion for a better service towards students are always highly appreciated. Students are suggested to feel free to communicate directly to the Principal through the DROP BOX kept beside door of Principal’s room or on emergency talk to her directly for any kind of academic or other suggestion / problems. All of you are ORDERED to protest against any kind of illegal forceful attitude, oppression, coercion, violence from any corner. It should be immediately reported to the Principal. We all will solve our problems (made by anybody inside or outside) together with courage, patience and confidence. We have enough potential. We must overcome any adverse situation only if we take care of our Institution and take responsibilities from the core of our heart.
A few more words are to be put here for the difficult situation the entire mankind had passed through. The abnormal pandemic situation had already taken away many friends including teachers and teaching assistants. We had fought hard to overcome lot of hurdles to keep our education system in progress instead of breaking. The modern technology provides extra pillars to hold the structure strongly as well as adorably. We, the stake holders of Maharani Kasiswari College had struggled together to win. All the members of our college had coordinated with the new ONLINE system of communication in the teaching-learning process. Again we have come back to OFFLINE mode of education. Along with that we are taking advantage of ONLINE methods wherever necessary and suitable. With NEP, the national New Education Policy we are trying our best to act perfectly. With affection to all my beloved students and due respect to my colleagues I wish a good future of our Institution.
Let us enjoy teaching-learning taking vision positive.
Dr Sima Chakrabarti (Principal)
Whenever we have some thought constructive
The Almighty is always there to keep us active
He is with all energy waiting for when we receive
To swim overcoming negative waves in life to survive.
We should be happy for the beautiful world where we arrive.
Infinite capability is within oneself that one has to believe.
We should enjoy life with other creatures to live and let live
And gain peace when we don’t take revenge but only forgive.