Maharani Kasiswari College

NAAC Accredited (2024), Morning College for Girls, Affiliated to Calcutta University
NAAC Accredited (2024), Morning College for Girls, Affiliated to University of Calcutta
Portrait of Maharani Kasiswari
HomeAdministrationInstitutional Development Plan

Institutional Development Plan

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Notice Board

  • Holiday for birthday of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur
    March 26, 2025
  • Kanyashree
    March 24, 2025
  • Allocation of Teacher -Supervisor of B.Com(H) under CBCS for Project Work
    March 22, 2025
  • Class suspension for C.U. Exam
    March 20, 2025
  • Class Commencement of Sem 2
    March 13, 2025
  • Holiday for Dolyatra & Holi
    March 13, 2025

Some Important Areas:

  1. How many Faculty members/ Administrative staff can operate MS-Word/ Power point and Teaching?              ALL
  2. Did your College arrange for Training of Faculty?                                                                                                YES
  3. How many Computers do you have in the College?                                                                                            140
  4. Does the College have good Internet / WiFi facilities?                                                                                             Yes
  5. Whether your Faculty members undergone training organised by the college?                                                  Yes
  6. Implementation of NEP?                                                                                                                                                    YES
  7. Successful Participation in Centralised Admission Portal                                                                                             YES
  8. Digitization of Provident Fund.                                                                                                                                          YES
  9. Implementation of Academic Bank of Credit                                                                                                                  YES

 Basic administrative information:

  1. Mission and Vision of the college                                                                                                      Displayed
  2. Governing Body Meetings :                                                                                                               Regular
  3. IQAC meetings:                                                                                                                                 Regular
  4. Finance committee Meetings:                                                                                                            Regular
  5. Teachers’ council meetings:                                                                                                              Regular
  6. Meetings of Academic Committee:                                                                                                   Regular
  7. Training for teachers and NTS for online teaching / office works:                                                    Yes
  8. MoU with institutions:                                                                                                                        YES
  9. Linkages with other institutes                                                                                                            YES
  10. Doctor on Call :                                                                                                                                 Yes
  11. Positive coverage / linkages:                                                                                                            Yes
  12. No of vacant teaching posts in the college:                                                                                       01
  13. Motivation for teachers by giving financial help for projects and travels assistance                         Yes

Feedback system:

  1. Students’ feedback                                                                                                                            YES
  2. Parents Feedback.
  3. Teacher’s Feedback                                                                                                                        YES
  4. Feedback from Alumni                                                                                                               YES

Mandatory cells :

  1. Anti-ragging Cell                                                                                                                                     YES
  2. RTI Cell                                                                                                                                                 YES
  3. Internal Complaints Cell                                                                                                                       YES
  4. Grievance Redressal Cell                                                                                                                                       YES

Budgets are prepared annually. Academic and Administrative audits are done internally.  IQAC monitors academic planning and execution.

Our Immediate Plans

  1. Linkages with industry
  2. Development of New Campus
  3. Industry sponsored research projects
  4. Collaboration with Foreign Institutions