Maharani Kasiswari College

NAAC Accredited (2024), Morning College for Girls, Affiliated to Calcutta University
NAAC Accredited (2024), Morning College for Girls, Affiliated to University of Calcutta
Portrait of Maharani Kasiswari
HomeOur CollegeMission & Vision

Mission & Vision

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Notice Board

  • Holiday for birthday of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur
    March 26, 2025
  • Kanyashree
    March 24, 2025
  • Allocation of Teacher -Supervisor of B.Com(H) under CBCS for Project Work
    March 22, 2025
  • Class suspension for C.U. Exam
    March 20, 2025
  • Class Commencement of Sem 2
    March 13, 2025
  • Holiday for Dolyatra & Holi
    March 13, 2025


The mission of the college is expressed through the endorsement of its vision. The college subscribes to the guiding principle of self-enlightenment and realizing one’s potential; values that the college stands for. Having embraced the National Education Policy (NEP) in its entirety, the college has set for itself the mission to extend equal socio-technological opportunities to all students and in the process fulfil its vision. To express it succinctly the college aims:

  • To provide women scholars with a holistic education that collates curricular and co-curricular activities.
  • To provide them with tools to nurture their diverse profiles.
  • To provide them with gender-friendly infrastructure that caters to their different needs. Exploring the transformative value of holistic education for women so that they can become catalysts for positive change in society.
  • Providing students with low-cost but quality education and create opportunities in job market to create a pool of highly qualified, technically sound resources.
  • Offering access to the best educational resources, online and offline as the college has social engineering as its primary goal.
  • To provide liberal but critical academic context for future leaders of the nation.
  • Promotion of research activities for teachers so that their academic engagements can
  • filter down to eager students.
  • Offering access to subsidized certificate courses in Communicative English and knowledge of Computer. Courses which in turn will equip students for optimal use of career opportunities.
  • Training young minds through add -on courses so that they can be conversant with the latest, up -to-the minute innovations in the delivery of education.


Our vision is to empower and enlighten women irrespective of their social and financial background; fostering informed minds through a rigorous curriculum of value based and quality education. We strive to create a safe space for girls to join as students and eventually cross the threshold of the college and step into the world emancipated from social prejudices and gender biases. To enable girl students for income generation and become well equipped global citizens, and true nurturers, the college plays and will continue to play a proactive role in

  • Transforming this college into a premiere institution for women education, especially catering to needs of all sections of economically and culturally diverse group of students.
  • Exploring and optimally utilising the large pool of available human and technological resources to transform students into policy-makers of the future so that they in turn can make significant contribution to create a gender neutral society.
  • As a frontline educational institution, the college can become a knowledge hub based on the idea of organizing ,sharing, storing, preserving various form of cognitive insight.
  • To create a pool of educated, empowered, self-reliant, non-prejudiced women who in turn will act as agents of positive social transformation.
  • To reflect the transformation in the human development indices of civil society and the nation in the era of rapid globalization
  • To help women expand their capacity as decision makers and to help them negotiate patriarchal agenda and formulate gender-neutral policies.

Aims and Objectives

  • Spreading of Women Education
    The college is dedicated towards the goal of educating girl students through formal curriculum as well as through informal education.
  • Access to Learning
    College aims to play a very much student friendly role. All members of the college are accessible and co-operative. Students may approach them any time for academic and also for any other crisis.
  • Developing Self-reliance
    College has an objective for developing self-reliance among girl students, through providing different career-oriented courses for them.
  • Development of Inherent Abilities
    College has set goal to bring out the inherent cultural and other traits of the students through inspiring them for taking parts in Annual Cultural Competitions, Social Function, Intra and Inter-College sports meet, etc.
  • Generating Social Commitment and Responsibilities
    The college aims to convince students that true education needs personal achievements combined with social commitments. Students of the college work regularly, specially under the guidance of the NSS and the NCC units of the college, for helping the under- privileged sections of the society and for serving the Nation.

Let both of us (teacher & disciple) be equally protected.
Let knowledge permeate both of us in same measure.
Let our learning invigorate us.
Let there never be any malice between us.