Maharani Kasiswari College

NAAC Accredited (2024), Morning College for Girls, Affiliated to Calcutta University
NAAC Accredited (2024), Morning College for Girls, Affiliated to University of Calcutta
Portrait of Maharani Kasiswari
HomeAcademicsAcademic DepartmentsBengali Department

Bengali Department

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Notice Board

  • Holiday for birthday of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur
    March 26, 2025
  • Kanyashree
    March 24, 2025
  • Allocation of Teacher -Supervisor of B.Com(H) under CBCS for Project Work
    March 22, 2025
  • Class suspension for C.U. Exam
    March 20, 2025
  • Class Commencement of Sem 2
    March 13, 2025
  • Holiday for Dolyatra & Holi
    March 13, 2025

Departmental Profile

Literature is the mirror of society. If you want to know your society fully, you must know literature. Literature also is the description of human mind and character. There is a co-relation between literature and any other social studies subject. The subject matter of history, philosophy, psychology, sociology and many other subjects would be found in literature. So it is impossible to neglect the literature. If we neglect literature, we will be deprived from many other branches of knowledge and wisdom. Language and literature also co-related. By studying literature we can develop the skill of language. There is aesthetic value of langue. Noble literature and its language develop our aesthetic sense and value. Bengali language and literature deserve the same value and importance that has been afore said. Our ancient history has been written mainly on the basis of our ancient literature. In the modern time Bengali literature played an important role in our political movement. We can remember the song ‘Bande Mataram’, written by Bankim Chandra. We can enrich with our history, sociology, philosophy, noble religious thought and so on by our literature. In the year 1964, according to the direction of U.G.C., the Manindra Chandra College split up into three independent units – Morning, Day and Evening – with separate affiliation and administration. The morning section started function from 2nd December, 1964 and was named as Maharani Kasiswari College. And the Bengali department started journey from the beginning of this college. The age of this department is above sixty years. Our department is enriched with seven faculty members & six thousands books.  From the beginning to till date the Bengali department of Maharani Kasiswari College is well known to all for its uninterrupted success.

Teaching techniques of our Department

  • Besides offline class Online class is arranged when is needed. 
  • Special Lectures are periodically arranged by the department to enlighten the students by the eminent academicians from other universities or colleges.
  • Besides university examination Screening test is arranged for identify slow learner & advance learner in every semester.
  • In a regular basis we conduct Teachers-Parents meeting for student’s improvement.
  • Educational tour is arranged regularly. 

Course & Programme Outcome

Before studying a subject or course students have to know what the benefits of studying of that particular course is. So programme outcome & course outcome is very important on every subject. The course outcome & programme outcome of Bengali Department is given bellow –



  • Present Faculty members of our Department is seven those are committed to impart quality education to its disciples and they take the classes regularly and complete the syllabus within time frame.
  • Our Department has its own departmental library apart from central library of college where from students are provided books.


  • The department has no separate computer and not sufficient books for departmental library,


  • Sufficient study materials are provided to students.
  • Educational Tour is arranged in every year.
  • Special lecture programme is arranged regularly.


  • After implementation of CCF syllabus no. of students admission is decreasing in every year. This is a big challenge not only for us but also most of the educational institution.

Future Plans of the Department

  • Giving proposal for opening language lab.
  • Starting Free Competitive Exam Coaching class for Bengali Subject.

Head of the Department

Faculty Members

Departmental Notice Board