Maharani Kasiswari College

NAAC Accredited (2024), Morning College for Girls, Affiliated to Calcutta University
NAAC Accredited (2024), Morning College for Girls, Affiliated to University of Calcutta
Portrait of Maharani Kasiswari
HomeAcademicsAcademic DepartmentsPhilosophy Department

Philosophy Department

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Notice Board

  • Holiday for birthday of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur
    March 26, 2025
  • Kanyashree
    March 24, 2025
  • Allocation of Teacher -Supervisor of B.Com(H) under CBCS for Project Work
    March 22, 2025
  • Class suspension for C.U. Exam
    March 20, 2025
  • Class Commencement of Sem 2
    March 13, 2025
  • Holiday for Dolyatra & Holi
    March 13, 2025

Departmental Profile

The Department of Philosophy launched its journey in 1964 as General subject and marched ahead for pretty long time as General subject only. It obtained approval for introducing PHILOSOPHY as Honours subject in 1979-80 Academic years. After Bengali and English, there is demand amongst students for opting as Honours subject. There are at present 58 sanctioned seats for Honours. There are FOUR full time teachers, One SACT (STATE AIDED COLLEGE TEACHER) and One Guest Lecturer in the Department. The Department has produced innumerable students both Honours and General throughout the years. Many students of the Department have established themselves in various sectors, especially as accomplished teachers in various H.S. Schools and Degree Colleges and keep in touch with the Department as Alumni. The student scoring highest marks in the Honours papers in the Part – III final examination is awarded medal by the College.

Besides teaching, the Department organizes class wise seminar, debate and prepares students for Quiz competition and Group discussion, so that they can keep pace with the time. The students can express their views independently through their writing in the Wall Magazine and teachers guide them properly in this regard. Above all, the faculty members are always ready to render all possible assistance and guidance to students within and outside the campus as and when required. Consequently students get through the final examination with flying colours every year and go for further higher studies.

Teaching Learning Techniques

  • Lecture method / Chalk & Talk Method
  • Group discussion
  • Rapid participatory techniques
  • Demonstration method.
  • Special class and care for advanced and slow learners.
  • Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities:
  • The Faculty Members & Students of the Department of Philosophy actively participated in the Programs organized by the NCC, NSS and Health Unit of the college. (Currently 02 Students (Debjani Kundu & Ritika Singh PHIA 3) joined in NSS Unit of the college, 01 Student (Ritika Singh PHIA 3) joined in NCC Unit of the college).
  • Organize Seminars, Panel discussions, & Workshops to enhance the intellectual, emotional as well as spiritual strengths of the students.
  • Publishing Wall Magazine & Departmental Journal for manifesting the potentials of the students as well as the Faculty Members.

Program & Course Outcome

  • To identify fundamental concepts and notional backgrounds necessary for understanding of Philosophical theoretical structure. Students are expected to investigate deep into philosophical opinions.
  • To analyze the fundamental concepts, processes, theories and measures vital to develop philosophical outlook. Students are expected to exercise abstract thinking. They can solve complicated life problems by demonstrating philosophical and practical knowledge. The topics included in the syllabus intend towards developing the act of philosophizing; so, students are expected to acquire the same.
  • To transmit philosophical knowledge to the young generation for stimulating better perspective about life and the world.
  • Thereby they can do better in different competitive examinations.
  • They can pursue higher studies; can also opt for L.L.B, PhD, Post Doctorate, and any other certificate or vocational courses, such as-copyist, draft-man, stenography, DTP etc.
  • They can apply for any non-technical job.
  • Can try for start-up.
  • Can open or join NGO
  • Are eligible for any line that an average graduate is eligible for.
  • This program expected to encourage implementation of acquired philosophical knowledge in the everyday life of a student to solve any future upheaval of living circumstances. After passing out the course with Philosophy as an Honours/regular course the students can enhance their logical thinking process and scientific temper.



  1. All faculty members are highly qualified and they have contributed a lot in Departmental teaching and Administrative works of the college.
  2. There is a very friendly, conductive and healthy relationship holds between the teachers & the students of the Department.
  3. Some students have shown commendable performance in the university exams.
  4. The Motto of our Department is to make not only a Successful Person in life, but also a Perfect Human Being.
  5. Mutual Respect, Co-Operation and Mutual Understanding are the strength of Our Department.


  1. The physical infrastructure is also not adequate.
  2. The departmental seminar library needs to have more books and journals.
  3. Lack of communication skills among students.
  4. Students from vernacular background.
  5. Department needs upgradation of library.
  6. Department needs at least 1 computer for assimilating all departmental inputs and activities.


  1. Warm and free student teacher interaction and counselling of students for higher education and career planning.
  2. Our department is full of academically sound Faculty members, so we have ample opportunities to proceed in coming years as we are very eager to help each other.


  1. To bridge the gap between slow learners and advanced learners
  2. To channelize the available resources for betterment of the students
  3. Creating awareness about digital learning for adopting curriculum introduction of NEP.
  4. Upliftment of Departmental library up to the mark

Future Plans

  1. Intends to start Post Graduate Program in Philosophy.
  2. To undertake Minor Research Project
  3. To conduct International /National /State level Workshops/Seminars/Conferences in Recent issues of Philosophy
  4. To increase the placement opportunities for the departmental students with the collaboration of student placement cell of college.
  5. To increase the capacity of departmental library.
  6. To organize various activities under college schemes.
  7. Regular arrangement of Parent-Teacher Meeting and Alumni Meet to strengthen the relationship with the Department.
  8. The department has a future plan to increase Environmental awareness programmes among the people in and around the locality in collaboration with NSS and NCC units of the College.
  9. The department has also planned to prepare students for higher studies and competitive examinations by providing coaching, career counseling etc.
  10. In future, we will be more focused on our own duties and responsibilities and we should love and care more. We must serve our esteemed institution as well as our department in the coming years.

Head of the Department

Faculty Members

Departmental Events