Maharani Kasiswari College

NAAC Accredited (2024), Morning College for Girls, Affiliated to Calcutta University
NAAC Accredited (2024), Morning College for Girls, Affiliated to University of Calcutta
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HomeAcademicsAcademic DepartmentsPsychology Department

Psychology Department

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Notice Board

  • Holiday for birthday of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur
    March 26, 2025
  • Kanyashree
    March 24, 2025
  • Allocation of Teacher -Supervisor of B.Com(H) under CBCS for Project Work
    March 22, 2025
  • Class suspension for C.U. Exam
    March 20, 2025
  • Class Commencement of Sem 2
    March 13, 2025
  • Holiday for Dolyatra & Holi
    March 13, 2025

Departmental Profile

The Department of Psychology at Maharani Kasiswari College was established, initiated & affiliated in the academic year 2008-2009. Since its inception in 2008, the department under the affiliation of University of Calcutta has offered Psychology as both an Honours and General Degree Course. The first batch of Psychology Honours students graduated in the year 2011. From its humble beginning, with great initiative and effort from the faculty members and college administrative body, the department is now one of the most recognized departments in the science fraternity of this college. The department was initiated with a philosophy to provide a comprehensive and evidence-based education in psychology, cultivating critical thinking, research skills, and ethical awareness among female students. The aim of establishing the department is to prepare students for diverse career paths in mental health, education, clinical practice, research, and beyond, emphasizing both theoretical knowledge and practical application. The key elements which are emphasized in the department includes the long-term impact of learning on individuals and communities, developing passion and commitment to understand human behavior and improving well-being. Department engages students to perform various activities and events which develop their leadership skills necessary for being successful working professionals. Students are helped to unfold their creative potentials in various dimensions apart from academics to boost up their self-confidence and overall development. Academically or psychologically weak Students are specially provided with counseling sessions and remedial classes time to time. Department has a seminar library containing text and reference books which are referred during teaching by teachers to enhance knowledge and develop clarity in thinking among students. Department arranges mentor -mentee session with prior information for clarifying doubts in specific lessons under syllabus. In this session specific teachers are assigned to students for their further academic assistance. Department arranges cultural and psychological awareness-based programmes time to time for motivating and growing interest among students in the field.

The Department of Psychology, Maharani Kasiswari College has a reputation for the excellence of its teaching. The faculty, along with a diverse student body belonging to various social backgrounds, collectively works towards achieving a common goal: to uphold the department’s reputation in education, particularly in the areas of the clinical, social, community, industrial, and organizational psychology and other dimensions of the discipline. The alumni members of this department are engaged in distinguished positions in almost all aspects of the discipline. Many alumni members are engaged in Clinical works as Clinical Psychologist, Counselling Psychologist in NGO Sector, School Counsellor, as I\O Psychologist in various industrial setups in the role of Human Resource Manager. In today’s world, psychology education holds immense relevance as it fosters awareness and understanding of social, emotional, and mental health. It helps people become more aware and be supportive of mental health needs. The Department of Psychology is committed to fulfilling its responsibility to society through a dedicated, sincere, and ongoing pursuit of excellence. The Department is comprised of experienced, dedicated, empathic and qualified teachers who are always present to guide and to provide a psychological hand holding to facilitate the curious minds of the students while they navigate the vast universe of the discipline.

Programmes Offered

As per the CSR under NEP system (CSR/05/2023), semester wise Four-year B.A/ B.Sc. Honours with or without research, three-year multidisciplinary courses under curriculum and credit framework of 2022 have been initiated from 2023.

From academic year 2018, as per regulation of University notification ( CSR/3/2018), the department has also started to offer the B.Sc Honours in Psychology under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS semester system) and BA/B.Sc General in Psychology under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS semester system). Since its inception, the Department of Psychology  offered B.Sc Honours in Psychology under 1+1+1 system along with BA/B.Sc General in Psychology under 1+1+1 system.

Programme & Course Outcome

Practical Laboratory Facilities

The department of psychology has several Psychological Instruments, Psychometric Tests and other equipment’s to facilitate the teaching-learning experience and to provide the students with a hands-on practical demonstration of conducting psychological experiments and psychological assessments as part of their curriculum.

Apart from the abovementioned instruments, department arranges other teaching learning materials and provides support to students to develop teaching learning materials on their own to motivate and grow deeper knowledge in this field. Based on demands of learning, laboratories are made equipped with instruments, models, charts etc for growing understanding and skill as well.



  • All faculty members is well qualified and quality contribution teaching in department and Administrative work in college.
  • Enrolment of students is satisfactory and it increases gradually.
  • We have laboratory with sufficient instrument to conduct practical class.
  • A very friendly and conducive atmosphere and a strong bonding among the students and Teachers in our department.
  • Students have shown commendable performance in university exams.
  • There is effective communication among students as well the between the students and the teachers.


  • The physical infrastructure is not adequate.
  • The department seminar library needs to have more books and journals, newsletters, bulletin, magazines.
  • Department needs up gradation of laboratory
  • Department needs Bengali books in library to help students from vernacular background.
  • Department has no permanent non-teaching staff to maintain department and helping with practical work.
  • The department has no smart classroom.
  • Department needs at least 2 computers.


  • Warm and free student teacher interaction and counselling of students for higher education and career planning.
  • The college authority is in relentless hunt for finance augment infrastructure and to create teaching post.


  • To provide sufficient number of practical classrooms and ICT enabled hall to make the teaching learning more attractive.
  • To bridge the gap between slow learners and advanced learners.
  • To channelize the available resources for betterment of the students.
  • Establish skills in handling the instruments and equipment for psychological assessments.
  • Creating awareness about Digital learning for adopting with the introduction of updated curriculum.
  • Upliftment of Departmental library up to the mark.

Future Plans

In order to provide better guidance and smooth completion of the syllabus the department plans to appointment new guest teachers. As no of students are higher in strength new instruments are required for systematic and timely completion of syllabus. The department also plans to organize field visits, educational tour and departmental seminars in the upcoming sessions for the upgradation of the students. The department also plans to acquire new updated books both in English and Bengali for better dissemination of knowledge.

  • Planning for Workshops and hands – on training sessions to give the students practical experience of the future working environment
  • Planning to organize Awareness Programs to educate the students community about positive living, emotion management and enhancing well-being
  • Planning for master’s degree in psychology

Head of the Department

Faculty Members